Thursday, September 15, 2011

a little pain but we are good

Thank you so much for your prayers. We all felt them during the back procedure yesterday. Sarah is experiencing more back pain than usual, but it is not as bad as the last procedure.

Also, below is a video of the flash mob that Sarah and Hannah participated in during church on Sunday. You can play the game, "Spot Sarah". A hint is she is in the back in a blue shirt. When the camera zooms toward the blue shirts you should see her face. Hannah on the other hand is very easy to find. The only hint I will give is she has a purple shirt on.

God Bless,

Bent Tree FX Live Flash Mob from Bent Tree on Vimeo.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Back procedure on Wednesday

Please keep Sarah in your prayers on Wednesday. She has a spinal tap to inject chemo and take fluid for testing. After her last spinal tap in June, she had really bad side effects and had to go to the hospital for a few days. We of course do not want that to happen again. It was very painful for her.

So pray that she does not have side effects and that we get through the day without any problems. After Wednesday, she will only have two more back procedures with one in December and March.

Thanks so much for sharing the burdens with us.