Friday, January 14, 2011

Short ER Visit-just 3 hours!

Sarah got a fever over 101.5 in the wee morning hours 3am, and after waiting an hour or so and her temp to confirm a few times, we had to call the hospital and then come to the ER for IV antibiotics and to take her blood to see what germ she has. But now we get to go home until they hear back from the lab on the blood culture results. Her ANC (good white blood count) is over 4000 which is a big jump from yesterday when it was 1390 at clinic. So it looks like her body is fighting something. I just pray we don't have to be admitted to the hospital to continue fighting it.
Sarah looks pretty good though and feels fine to go home.
I am a bit excited that we can hit Chick-fila on the way home for a chicken biscuit!

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