Thursday, February 18, 2010

We made it!

Thank you for your prayers. God was so merciful to us and worked out all the details in advance. We are excited to be in our new home and so thankful to be part of the family of God. Jay


Becca said...

Welcome! Welcome! So glad you all made it. Hope you can get some sleep soon.

Koop Tribe said...

And the Koop household says 'HOORAY!!!!!!!'. He is a good Daddy indeed! Can hardly wait to get the skype tour of the new house! Love and miss you all here already!

Sue and Robert Stark said...

Woot-woot!!! Praying for solid sleep for you all. xxxx

Kathy Stanfill said...

Welcome home! Jaime and I have been fervently keeping up with you all and praying for each of you. I know your hearts were heavy leaving Hong Kong and we are continuing to pray for them as well. Hugs and Prayers, Kathy and Jaime Stanfill

s white said...

Welocme Stateside friends and I pray it will feel like home quickly. Fight relentlessly to stay in the Shadow of the Almighty, as you wrote the other day, and know that many still on both sides of the globe will keep you company on the journey.

goodknightfairmaiden said...

Welcome to the States, Clark Family! The Horscrofts understand about never saying goodbye to Hong Kong. Believe me. We love the idea of long holidays and will join you in this one. Hope we can make it down to you at some point...Elizabeth, Paul, Isla and Will

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